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My name is Saftian jullyanto. I was born in a village called Paya Lebar, which is located in the district of Riau Karimun Moro on 7th July 1990. My father comes from West Borneo, and my Mother comes from Central Java. I am a child of  the two brothers. Language use in my place is mixed of Indonesian and Malay. I love sports such as jogging, martial arts, swimming, and playing football, and I really like fishing because it is fun for me, then, it make me more patience, more strong, more accurate. I liked the food is cooked food tastes good and does not need exotic,

I was studied in 003 Moro district Elementary school, in 1997. It’s close to my house ± 50 meters,  so I did not need to have a lunch at school, during break time, I always came home to have my lunch, took a nap for a while, after that I went back to school until the lesson was over. Every afternoon on Monday to Friday, I studied the Holy Qur’an. The most elementary lessons I liked is history, and I also liked writing Arabic Malay, looks like Arabic writing but in Malay language. English language lesson was learned on 4th grade to 6th grade. English words I knew at that time only "Yes and No". In 2002, I graduated from Elementary School.

After graduating from Elementary School in 2002, I went to SMP Negeri 1 Moro (Moro Junior High School 1). During MOS (student orientation), all freshmen had to practice drill for three days, and the teacher who trained us was very scary.  If anyone made ​​a mistake, we all would get punished. Three day had passed, and MOS finally over. As usual of learning and teaching process, the days began at the right time, I got new friends, new stories, new lessons, and finally I graduated in 2005, then I went to higher study level in SMA Negeri Moro (Moro Senior High School 1).

In High School, I experienced  a lot of extracurricular activities, and more friends from outside the area. After several weeks, I was chosen to join PASKIBRAKA for three weeks.  I misse so many lessons at school, and I had to improve my skill in any subjects, so I wouldn’t fail in my exam. In the 2nd grade, I was chosen to join Science program where in there female students more than men. Then, in the 3rd grade, I had many additional lessons, and my brain felt like it’s going to explode. Finally, I graduated in 2008.

 After graduating High School,  I was unemployed for 3 years. In 2011, I was looking for University in Semarang via internet, and enrolled at two universities in the state university and private university, and it turned out, I graduated at the Private University and majoring in information technology at the Semarang Stiku Bank University ( UNISBANK Semarang).  Because technology continues to develop, after graduating college, I intend to be known around the world not as an artist but as a successful person. And I also want to make my parents who have been taking care of me happy. AAMIIN ….
I hope my dreams will come true, and I have to try my hardest.